It is generally known, that life begins at the end of your comfort zone. Therefore, do not waste time and launch a journey, because life is too short to live it in one place. Our car rent company offers you to launch a journey to the place, where you have never been before, for example, to such place, as Central Asia! Our car rent company organizes tours throughout three of the Central Asian countries - Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan. We understand that car renting is very responsible occupation, that requires reliability and trustworthy from the organization, which provides auto-renting services. We guarantee that we will provide our clients with the best cars for rent, which will give you a feeling of freedom and wildness. All of our the autos are kept in the offices, situated in following cities: Bishkek, Almaty and Dushanbe. If you contact us right now, our auto-renting specialists will send you a full list of available cars for rent, so you will have an idea about travelling in Central Asia. Do not worry all of them have a regular technical maintenance, so you will be as inside an unassailable fortress!
Come to Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan and you will be able to visit such beautiful lake, as Sary Chelek lake. It is one of the most beautiful lakes in this region. There are beautiful and sick forests around it. In autumn, the yellow leaves of the trees find their reflection on the surface of the lake and make it golden. Actually the name of the lake means ‘Yellow Cup' or ‘Yellow Bucket'. This lake is situated on the altitude 1873 meters above the sea level. The lake is situated just 500 kilometers from the city of Bishkek. Other cities, as Almaty, Dushanbe, Osh are also situated not very far away. Take our cars for rent and see this lake by your own eyes!