Kyrgyzstan customs

With regard to contacts with the Khitan Kirghiz "Lyaoshi" reports only the last two embassies (952 and 977 years.). We also know that the "regional" division into "north" and "south" within the Khitan Empire occurred in 947, followed by administration (225/226) of the northern provinces, it is possible, pays great attention to its north-western neighbors. It is curious that in the 948, one of the chief rebels, according to the customs of the Khitan, was sentenced "to travel" in kyrgyzskoe state. Representative complexes Khitan - domed tomb or in Tuva, South Siberia, or not found, and yet it may be noted similarities with the design of terrestrial plants (burial Saryg-Hai in the Sayan valley of the Yenisei) and individual elements of the funeral rite (inhumation stretched on his back; placement of harness and appearance of products - the so-called. old burial in Central Tuva). Here, in Central Tuva found Khitan krasnoglinyany vessel.
Involvement of the analogies of the Khitan monuments with epitaphs allows us to refine the dating of materials from the funeral, memorial complexes Kirghiz IX-XII centuries. At the same time it is possible, and the reverse process - clarification Khitan tombs dating systems that do not have an exact date. Around the middle of the X century. complexes appear in the Kirghiz metal products, which have similarities with the headset and the belt sbruynyh sets of Khitan tombs of the nobility (Kidane-cast items tyuhtyatskogo appearance). The decor is observed Buddhist Symbols (Animals and Birds, standing on a lotus flower "flaming pearl", the specific garlands of flowers, phoenixes). All images are associated with the lotus, and have similarities in artistic metal and ceramics from the Tang, Liao and Sung tradition, as well as frescoes monasteries in Eastern Turkestan. However, the Buddhist influence, as well as the Manichean was outside and did not penetrate far into the environment Kirghiz, the remaining shamanists that clearly confirmed by recent studies of the burial rites.