Dear travelers, our car rent company is glad to inform you that you can visit such beautiful countries as Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan. Our car rent company promises that the first visit to these countries will not be the last, because those travelers, who visited Central Asia at least once, are falling in love with its nature forever. Our car rent company offers you to launch self-driving auto tour or to take the cars for rent with professional driver. This service is optional, so if you want to order a driver, you will have to pay an additional amount of money. There are also such optional services, as hotel accommodation and services of a guide.
Our auto rent company specialists will select the most appropriate hotels for you. the hotels in the cities of Almaty, Bishkek and Dushanbe are very convenient and quite affordable even for economical travelers, who do not want to spend a lot of money on accommodation. Also, there are high class five star hotels for those, who prefer to have rest in luxurious conditions. Before starting to search the hotels for you, our car rent specialists will contact you and find out your preferences. Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan the hotels are situated mainly in the cities, as their capitals in the cities of Bishkek, Dushanbe and Almaty. In remote areas, villages and small towns there are generally hostels or guest houses. There is also such a term, as Community Based Tourism, which means that you will live in the houses of private people and see their every day life. It is a brilliant opportunity for those travelers, who wants to explore the way of life of ordinary people, their traditions, everyday life and other aspects. So, our auto renting company will give you such a possibility. You can take your cars for rent and launch a tour to remote villages and live there with local people who will show you their way of life and traditions with a great pleasure. So take our cars for rent and explore wonderful culture of Central Asia!