Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan car rental

"Now more than ever do I realize that I will never be content with a sedentary life, that I will always be haunted by thoughts of a sun-drenched elsewhere". If you are also dreaming about the sun-drenching elsewhere, besides your home country, then our car rent company offers to you a wonderful chance to do it in one of the most beautiful and amazing parts of the world, which is Central Asia. In terms of the auto tour, which we are offering to you, our car rent company wants you to welcome you in the countries of Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan. These countries are situated in the very heart of Central Asian area and share the borders. Kyrgyzstan is situated between Kazakhstan and Tajikistan, so shares the borders with both of them. In order to make the travelling here safe, comfortable and interesting, our car rent company will offer the most reliable cars for rent, which have a great power of endurance. Just imagine - you will be able to travel through difficult, hard-to-reach territories without even thinking about the problems on the roads or bad weather conditions! So, choose the cars for rent, of our auto company, which are possible to acquire from the cities of Almaty, Bishkek or Dushanbe, and enjoy each moment of travelling here! 

Our car rent company offers you to include the city of Osh into your auto tour. The city is very old - it is a contemporary o the city of Rome. The age of the city of Osh counts more than three thousand years. Just in the middle of the city there is an interesting mountain - it resembles a camel from a far away. This mountain is included into UNESCO world heritage. It is called Sulaiman Too. The word Sulaiman stands for Solomon, so it is the Turkic variant of his name. other cities of Central Asia, as Jalal-Abad, Khorog, Dushanbe, Almaty, Bishkek and others are also worth visiting! Choose our auto renting company, drive the best cars for rent and explore these territories.